Solar Lily to power undersea station

Oregon Department of Transportation / CC BY ( 22.06.2022: new structure of whole article) Solar power and an undersea habitat does not seem to fit each other. But in 2012 we had the idea of a device that opens its harvesters only if the conditions are appropriate just like a hibiscus blossom at dawn. We called it a Solar Lily.

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

  • A Bionic Shape for harvesting solar energy
  • Controlling
  • Additional functions

Our extensive analysis and proposals are part of the design manual.

Undersea Station: Water Supply

Water Supply: Image by James Petts from London, England (Stream of water) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons(Updated 04.04.2023: link concerning average need of water for a human being updated) Even though our station is surrounded by water we can not use it for most of our needs. Therefore for some demands we have to establish a sweet water supply. The easiest way is to bring sweet water from the shore and to fill corresponding tanks. Well, what kind of water do we need?

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

  • Drinking Water Supply for Consumption
  • Tap Water; rigid and flexible tanks
  • Raw Water Supply
  • Pressure Maintenance

Our extensive analysis and proposals are part of the design manual.

Image by James Petts from London, England (Stream of water) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Branch & Bound

(Guest article by user Mike, thanks for contributing) By common definition, Branch & Bound is a mathematical algorithm to solve integer optimization problems. But simplified versions of Branch & Bound are also applied to find best fitting technical solutions manually. It is a useful tool for making fundamental decisions, such as the selection of a synthesis route during the project development of a new chemical factory complex.

In the context of CalamarPark, the design of the underwater habitat is such a fundamental decision: Should it be small or large? To operate at what depth? Ambient or atmospheric pressure? A certain design might be perfect at one location, but only second choice at another. Continue reading “Branch & Bound”


The following article was published by CalamarPark on Wikipedia in German. Feel free to correct grammar mistakes of this translation and publish it on Wikipedia in English. The illustration has also been made available by CalamarPark and is accessible on Wikimedia under the Creative Commons Licence [CC BY-SA 4.0].

HUNUC (abbreviation for Habitat of the University of Natal Underwater Club) was South Africas first underwater laboratory. However, the facility was destroyed shortly after its positioning due to conceptual errors and bad weather conditions. Continue reading “HUNUC”

Breathing Gas Processing: Overview

(Update 11.03.2023: structure renewed) This article is intended to define the concept for ensuring the appropriate habitat atmosphere to be used in the Calamar Park modules.

It is divided into the following sections:

  • Guide Value for Electricity Costs
  • Oxygen
  • Oxygen Demand of a Human Being
  • Oxygen Availability
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Normoxic Gas Mixtures (Normox)
  • Air Supply from the Surface
  • Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing by Soda Lime
  • Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing by Monoethanolamine (MEA)
  • Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing by Sea Water
  • Photosynthesis
  • Water-Air Membrane
  • Oxygen by Electrolysis

Our extensive analysis and proposals are part of the design manual.

Vent Base Alpha

In 2016 deep sea technology developer Dr. Phil Nuytten had a TEDx speech about his vision of an underwater habitat called Vent Base Alpha. It would generate the necessary energy from the geothermal vent next to its location and would consist of a 1bar environment. (Video length  19:08 min.)

Continue reading “Vent Base Alpha”


Bacteria isolated in dairy product (representative image)BIOSMHARS was a 2-year (2011-2013) research project co-funded by the European Commission under FP7. It was the first phase of a joint EU-Russia research effort to develop the scientific and technical tools for a comprehensive approach to the challenging issue of biocontamination inside manned spacecrafts. (project page; final report as pdf)

‘Project Undersea Station’ Introduction

Wordpress Header (updated 30.08.2022; complete re-edit) CalamarPark (a branch of Cabrito Consulting) is located in Germany. It is an independentInitiative for Studies on Aquanauticfounded in 2006. Our aim is to develop a new generation of modular, serial underwater habitats for human occupation with emphasis on the human factor and habitability. The main facility and its mobile module will be open to several purposes, such as underwater archaeology, specialized tourism, space training missions etc. Within this scope we are convinced that this is the best approach to attract attention for the marine habitat and increase interest to its environmental issues.

The proposed underwater habitat should serve inter-/multidisciplinary and international goals. Doubtless it will be of great benefit for any supporting company or regional administration. CalamarPark has extended experience in several corresponding sectors and established a large network of underwater specialists. Based on this network CalamarPark will act as an agency to bring together the best manufacturers for the different components of the habitat.

Continue reading “‘Project Undersea Station’ Introduction”

Leben und Arbeiten im Meer

(For English please scroll down) Zur Erinnerung: Ich hatte mich mit Dr. Jim Miller und Ian Koblick auf eine Übersetzung ihres Buches ‘Living and Working in the Sea’ (‘Leben und Arbeiten im Meer‘) ins Deutsche und insbesondere vom anglo-amerikanischen ins metrische Maßsystem geeinigt. Die Übersetzung und erste Durchsicht ist abgeschlossen und alle notwendigen Kontakte geknüpft. Der ursprüngliche Plan, die Veröffentlichung über Crowdfunding zu finanzieren, hat jedoch einen Dämpfer erhalten, weil alle Crowdfunding-Plattformen Projekte aus dem Land, in dem ich seit langer Zeit lebe, nicht akzeptiert. Ich brauche da also eine andere Lösung. Continue reading “Leben und Arbeiten im Meer”

Living and Working in the Sea

Living and Working in the Sea(For English please scroll down) (Update 17.01.) Nachdem wir uns mit Dr. Jim Miller und Ian Koblick auf eine Übersetzung ihres Buches ‘Living and Working in the Sea’ ins Deutsche und insbesondere vom anglo-amerikanischen ins metrische Maßsystem geeinigt haben, können wir nun bekanntgeben, dass die Übersetzung inzwischen abgeschlossen ist. Momentan arbeiten wir an der Durchsicht und hoffen, in Kürze die Veröffentlichung beginnen zu können. Mit letzterem ist innerhalb der nächsten zwei Monate zu rechnen. Continue reading “Living and Working in the Sea”